When Dust Meets Rust
After nearly 8 months of exploration and research I feel like I just about discovered the tip of this immense creative iceberg. This class is an exploration into a process that I have developed by trial and error, coming up with my own visual language. And now all of this joyous discovery has been made into an online class where you can get a glimpse into the possibilities of this world.
In this class you will learn how to make a creative mark on your books by using a mix of elements to stain your papers. I will also share a very personal way of creating pages for your artist books and your journals. I will show you how to easily bind your creations into a beautifully dense, rich and textural book. You will also get a taste of the possibilities of creative mark making as an aid for story telling.
2 hours content
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Yours for life
Full HD
Intro + instructions + silent demo
Full video script in a pdf file