Less is More - Cutouts



Matt and I used to go to the park together,

and while sitting on the grass, I would read him Italian fables.

Now all that’s left of me is a love letter.

And a dried flower, to fill the shadow of our own memory.

Found photo, paper, flower, stitching and large sequin

145x90 mm

Cutout Photos_Jack Ravi_1.jpeg


Facing myself

I would sit in the garden every afternoon just facing myself,

before crashing into a million pieces.”

Found photo, paper, doll arm

165x120 mm


Il Pescatore

All’ombra dell’ultimo sole

S’era assopito un pescatore

E aveva un solco lungo il viso

Come una specie di sorriso.” Fabrizio De Andrè

In the shadow of the last sun

A fisherman had dozed off

He had a furrow across his face

Just like some kind of smile.

Rusty hook on paper

120x100 mm


Stringi il Nodo Fatal (Tighten the Fatal Knot)

Found photo, paper and cotton thread

850x140 mm

Cutout Photos_Jack Ravi_5.jpeg


When The Music Stopped

Then the music stopped,

The light began to fade slowly,

And the colour became dim,

With a melancholy tenderness.”

Found photo, paper and rusty staple

150x200 mm

Cutout Photos_Jack Ravi_4.jpeg


Dancing On My Own

And in the middle of street, there, she danced on her own.

Found photo and paper

130x90 mm
